Friday, June 02, 2006

Stroke of Uncertainty

I don´t know if this blog thing was ever meant for me...
It´s kind of tiring to hear your own rotten thoughts all the time (and even worse in written form), it just makes you wanna do something completely else.
But then another problem quickly arises, namely the one that I don´t really have anything else to do, at least nothing constructive (but then again, writing shit to all you losers isn´t exactly constructive either).
So in order not to increase the suicide and depression statistics in the world even further, I guess I´ll just keep it (or will it have the opposite effect?).

P.S. This post was never meant to be, I really had NOTHING to do, just ignore it.

Thursday, June 01, 2006

Job Ad.

I know I´ve said it before, but I doubt my readers (if there are any) are among the fastest on this planet to pick things up, so I say it again: it´s soon time for me to graduate.
Time for me to set free, to escape the imprisonment of school institutions, tyranny and pedantic teachers. To be released from the company of annoying classmates, disgusting food and stupid daytrips.
The hour has come when I separate from those who has always kept me down, kept me from realising my powerhungry and unhealthy ambitions. The power of my mind and soul is released upon the world with full force, so I advise you: take cover.

Or join me! Help me in my evil struggle for world domination, help me to start wars and steal from the poor, bring down governments and crash the world economy.
You can have the honour and privilige of becoming my right hand, and if you´re a woman, you can even litterary take over some of the tasks that my right hand is currently performing.
I know it sounds too good to be true, but YOU can become my little helper, the one who is always impressed by my genious and grandiose plans, or the one who is to blame and thrown to the sharks when something goes wrong. Don´t waste your chance...

You´re either with me, or against me.